Bridge digital divide with Digital NNS Fund

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Are you looking for support to carry out digital inclusion projects, initiatives and activities? Do you want to increase the digital skills of the people you work with and support, or get good Internet connectivity to run digital inclusion projects?

The Digital NNS Fund could help!

What is the Digital NNS Fund?

The Digital NNS fund provides small grants to organisations and community groups to help them be more confident in carrying out digital inclusion projects. It also aims to inspire communities to be more digitally inclusive.

What can be funded?

Grants of up to £2,000 are available to support digital inclusive projects such as:

Production of promotional flyers, posters and leaflets

Digital skills training for people you work with and support

Internet and Wi-Fi for community spaces

Lease of digital devices such as laptops

Who are eligible?

Community groups and Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise organisations known to at least one of the Neighbourhood Network Schemes (NNS).